Cell phone: 352-727-2906 (Feel free to text or call and leave a voice message if necessary.)
I will return calls as soon as possible if I don't answer immediately (I admit to screening calls that my phone labels "potential spam"), so if you leave a voice message I may call back almost immediately.)
email: [email protected]
Please put “attention Dr. Welsch” in the subject line. If you do not hear from me within 12-24 hours, please call me because I may have missed your email.
Note: I will not perform ‘convenience' euthanasia or euthanize healthy animals unless they have proven to be a danger to others, especially children. Please give these pets a chance by taking them to a rescue group. But I do not hesitate to offer behavioral euthanasia when necessary, as these pets (besides being a danger to their humans), are often suffering from crippling anxiety. Please do not attempt to release a dangerous pet to a rescue or a shelter.
I will not thrust my opinions on you nor judge you; you should know that I personally prefer assisted death for a pet who has no hope of recovery and who is likely miserable, feeling undignified, or in pain.
I fully understand that veterinary procedures are necessarily quite costly and I further understand why optimal care may be unaffordable for you and your pet, as unfortunate as this is. I hope to help you think clearly about your options in a completely non-pressured environment.
I will make every effort to come to your assistance as soon as possible if you feel the situation is urgent, particularly if your pet is suffering. However, I AM NOT an emergency service.
Other euthanasia services in Gainesville, Fl:
Three alternative in-home euthanasia providers for Gainesville, Florida are: Overtherainbowvet.com (352-385-5069), Lap of Love (Alachua County) (352-505-2258) and CodaPet-Alachua/Gainesville https://www.codapet.com (833-263-2738)
These are two local emergency clinics that are available 24/7, but you must take your pet to them:
UF small animal emergency clinic: 352-392-2235
Blue Pearl emergency pet hospital: 352-672-6718
Urgent Vet: 352-374-0040 (not 24/7)
Least expensive pet euthanasia in Alachua County (You must take your pet to them):
My understanding is that Alachua County Animal Services ((352-264-6870) will euthanize your pet (only when medically necessary and you provide the veterinary records) for approximately $75.00. The downside is that you will not be permitted to be with your pet.